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Hoi An Lanterns – Everything You Need to Know

Wondering what’s there to make Hoi An lantern festival a party of colors? Take a deep breath, hold tight, and hit the road to uncover its magnificent beauty.

Hoi An Lantern Festival takes place in Hoi An Ancient Town in Central Vietnam. One signature trait that attracts travelers is the lantern, making the town shine brightly and mysteriously every evening. 

The lanterns are the only source of light during those nights, bringing you to the ancient atmosphere of the town. 

About Hoi An Ancient Town

30km south of Da Nang, located near the Thu Bon river banks, Hoi An ancient town boasts a peaceful vibe with classic yellow ancient houses, Chinese temples, lovely cafes, and shops sitting beautifully next to each other. This small town seems aside from the hustle-bustle of life with no motorbike hone or loud noise of vehicle engines

Serving as a strategic hectic trading port in the 15th century, Hoi An welcomed merchants from China, Japan, Holland, Portugal, etc come to trade and even settle down here. This forms a charming Hoi An town diverse in culture and rich in architecture and history as you see nowadays. 

Hoi An was a strategic hectic trading port in the 15th century


Do you know that the whole Hoi An old town is just no more than 2 km²? Despite its humbleness in size, Hoi An has been selected as one of the most romantic places on this planet by CNN. What contributes to that honor is its gorgeous lantern view at night. 

Sunset in Hoi An

The Origin of Hoi An Lanterns

According to the locals, it was the Chinese who brought the lanterns to Hoi An during the 16th century. Colorful lanterns hanging in front of the house at night help to soothe their homesickness when trading thousands of miles far away from their motherland. 

At that time, the frame of Chinese lanterns was made of iron, which was unfoldable and very heavy to carry. Hoi An locals came up with the idea of replacing iron with bamboo, making the lanterns much lighter. To give them a uniquely Vietnamese touch, Hoi An people used Vietnamese silk instead of Chinese fabric to fine-tune the lantern. This clever idea has made the lanterns become the signature of this peaceful town. 

The coolest thing is with durable bamboo frames, you can flexibly fold the lantern, and put them in the luggage without costing much space. 

Hoi An lanterns

Hoi An Lantern Shapes and Their Meanings

Hoi An lanterns come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Each shape possesses a meaningful message behind it. 

  • Heart-shaped lanterns represent love 
  • Round-shaped lanterns symbolize full happiness.
  • Diamond-shaped lanterns stand out for the balance in life and the universe

These are the most popular lantern shapes that you can spot anywhere in Hoi An. Apart from them, there are metal lanterns in the shape of a lotus bell, requiring a higher level of skill to make. This kind of lantern, however, doesn’t collapse. 

Regarding colors, Vietnamese people love to mix and match lanterns with a diverse spectrum of colors conveying different messages. For instance,

  • Yellow symbolizes royalty, wealth, and prosperity. 
  • Red represents luck, celebration, happiness, love, and ambition. 
  • Green is for hope and vitality.
  • Blue stands for calmness and growth.
  • Purple symbolizes nostalgia, tenderness, fragility, and sadness. 
  • White is for purity and the end.

How to Make Hoi An Lanterns

Making lanterns is a complicated process requiring elaborate skills and patience. In a nutshell, it consists of 2 main phases – making bamboo frames and applying the silk cover. 

Make Bamboo Frames

  1. Trim the bamboo into pieces
  2. Soak bamboo pieces in salt water for 10 days to prevent termites. After that, dry them up and chop them into bamboo sticks. 
  3. Bend and attach bamboo sticks to two wooden rings at two ends. Use a string to tie them together. 
  4. Adjust the whole frame to make it symmetrical. 

Apply the Silk or Chamois Cover

  1. Choosing the right silk or chamois colors and patterns for your lantern. The fabric is already cut into pieces fitting the frame. 
  2. Stretch the fabric and glue them to the frame. This is the most crucial part as it determines the polish of your lantern. Make sure the fabric covers all the angles of the frame.
  3. Add a final touch – contort and tie an artificial silk thread to the lantern. Now you can ask the artisan to test your lantern by hanging it on and putting a light inside. It’s time to get your camera ready! 

Hoi An Lantern Festival – A Party of Colors

Hoi An Lantern Festival is a monthly event on the 14th of the Lunar Calendar. It happens when the moon is round and full, lighting up the whole sky and Hoi An Ancient Town. 

The locals celebrate Hoi An Lantern Festival on this day by brightening the whole town with lanterns in various shapes and colors. By doing so, they believe their wish for luck and peace will come true. 

Hoi An Lantern Festival History

It wasn’t until 1988 that the local government decided to hold the first Hoi An Lantern Festival on every Full Moon day. 

Some thought the festival helped protect the environment by using less electrical lighting. Some suggested that it was to attract more visitors to Hoi An Ancient Town.    

Whatever the reason was, Hoi An Lantern Festival has been one of the most worth-waiting events for locals and international travelers all over the year. 

To the locals, lighting the lanterns is not only for decoration but also to wish for peace, luck, and prosperity for their families. Hence, it’s become one of the cultural traits of the Hoi An people. 

To visitors from other cities and countries, Hoi An lanterns are one of the symbolic icons when it comes to the charming ancient town. They can’t wait to blend in and enjoy the cozy atmosphere whenever they have the chance to visit Hoi An. 

When is Hoi An Lantern Festival Celebrated?

Hoi An Lantern Festival is celebrated monthly on the 14th of the lunar calendar. 

The sunset time changes based on season – 5.30 PM in the rainy season and around 6 PM in the dry season. At that time, people start to switch on the colorful lanterns in various shapes and patterns across the ancient town area.

Many arrive a bit earlier to enjoy the spectacular sunset from An Hoi Bridge which crosses the Hoai River in the middle of Hoi An Town. 

The festival starts with a variety of traditional activities and games on both sides of the river until 9 – 9.30 PM. 

Best Time to Join Hoi An Lantern Festival

On special occasions like the First Full Moon after Tet Holiday or Mid Autumn Festival, other interesting side activities appeal to tourists. 

During the first Full Moon, there are competitions for lantern-making or traditional games, along with fireworks performances which you can enjoy very closely from the center of the town. 

Mid-Autumn Festival is especially the festival for children and family gatherings. Visitors can watch lion dances, see children playing folk games and enjoy traditional mooncakes.

Hoi An Lantern Festival 2023

Check the dates below for Hoi An Lantern Festival in 2023. 

Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4
January 5th
February 4th
March 5th
April 4th
May 3rd
June 1st
July 1st and 31st
August 29th
September 28th
(Mid-autumn festival)
October 28th
November 26th
December 26th
Hoi An Lantern Festival 2023

What to See and Do at Hoi An Lantern Festival

There’re tons of activities to do during the festival that you don’t want to miss. Do you like immersing yourself in the crowds of Hoi An at night, or is a quiet romantic spot more up your alley?

Get ready to check out the list, and make sure you plan it out before your visit. 

Capture Beautiful Moments in the Ancient Town

Hoi An embraces a mysterious vibe with old houses built following Japanese or Chinese architecture. 

You may find walls covered with green moss, street corners with bougainvillea bushes, and certainly, streets full of lanterns. 

Pick the right outfit, and bring your camera for pictures.

Watch the Bright-Shining Full Moon

The best spot to watch the moon on An Hoi Bridge. If you’re afraid of the crowds, take a drink by the river bank and watch the beautiful moonlight for the whole evening. 

Hoi An is the ideal destination to enjoy the Full Moon because all the ancient houses are small to tiny, so the dark sky is brightened. 

Also, there are many rooftop bars and coffee shops with nice balconies along the river. Pick one, order a cocktail or local beer and embrace the serene vibe with your dearest ones. Why not?

Take a Boat Ride along the Hoai River

One of the favorite activities of many travelers is taking a boat ride along the Hoai River. You can easily grab one along the river bank during your walk.

Boat rides on Hoai River

It’s a quick escape from the crowds “invading” the ancient town during the festival. 

“Sit still! Don’t move!” – that’s the instruction you may hear, but it’s fine; you can move steadily instead of staying frozen.

Now, enjoy the Full Moon, close your eyes, feel the wind, and take your pictures. A boat ride usually lasts 15 minutes, but you can deal with the sculler if you expect a longer ride. 

Light a Floating Lantern and Make a Wish

Searching for pictures of Hoi An, hundreds of results you see are the floating lanterns, right? 

You can experience it too – light a floating lantern. Pick your favorite color, ask for the price – if it’s reasonable, choose one, and then the seller will light the candle. 

It’s time to make a wish now, and ta-da, your wish is heard. Now, let your lantern go with the flow, painting the quiet river with colors from other tourists’ lanterns.

Play Traditional Games: “Bai Choi” – A Musical Version of Bingo & “Dap Nieu” – Clay Pot Smashing

How come you can miss the traditional games? “Bai Choi” is a Vietnamese bingo game involving music, poetry, and acting. I’m pretty sure it will hook you in immediately when you pass by. 

Bai Choi” is a Vietnamese bingo game involving music, poetry, and acting.


The game guide will sing several folk songs and show you how to play them. The songs might change following the events, the inspirations, and the artists’ preferences during every game. 

People love “Bai Choi” because it’s not only special and unique, but it brings people together from different families and countries, laughing and having fun. 

Another game you don’t want to miss is “Dap nieu” – clay pot smashing. The name itself gives you the idea of how to join the game.

“Dap nieu” - clay pot smashing


Wear a blindfold and then find a way to smash the clay pot that carries some souvenirs inside.

That’s it! Does it sound easy? But many people don’t make it until the end as they lose direction and get distracted by the cheering audience. 

Each turn of the game takes around 1-2 minutes, so you finish the game in a blink of an eye. That’s why it’s become so addictive. 

Enjoy Regional Folk Song Performances

Starting at 7 PM daily next to Sa Huynh Museum, the children gather to practice singing folk songs, guided by an instructor. 

Through this activity, the older generations want to maintain the traditions and teach young generations about old songs. 

teaching folksong in Hoi An


You are also welcome to join regardless of age – whether you’re 10, 18, or even 50. 

Walk around the Ancient Town Lit Up with Lanterns

Because Hoi An Ancient Town is blocked for walking during Hoi An Lantern Festival, you might wander around every street and small alley. 

Different parts of the town will give you different experiences. Some are full of crowds, but some are visited by very few people. Some are filled with floral lanterns. Meanwhile, some are filled with oval solid color ones.

You may find accessories like earrings, rings, and bracelets in some parts, or traditional and branded clothes in other parts. 

Nearby the Hoai River and in the center of the town is The Japanese Bridge, also known as Cau Pagoda. Right upon visiting this place, you enter a tranquil ambiance. 

Buy Souvenirs at Hoi An Night Market

On the other side of the river is the signature Hoi An night market. You can find almost anything here, from local food, accessories, handicraft souvenirs, restaurants, or lantern shops. 

So, enjoy shopping and grab some souvenirs for your friends and relatives!

The stalls are distributed along a 500-meter street. A range of lantern stores is on the right of the market, shining the whole part with playful colors and patterns. 

How amazing it is! Are you excited to pack your bags for Hoi An now?

Enjoy Local Food

You must be hungry after hours of walking, right? You can find many local dishes easily around the town and at the night market. 

Cao Lau - a specialty in Hoi An

From the main courses like Quang Noodles, Cao Lau, Banh My, or grilled pork skewers to desserts like sweet soups, tofu, and ice cream, all can be found in the town. 

Make sure your belly is ready for the food tour, okay?

Best Spots to Enjoy the Festival

Almost every Vietnamese family celebrates the Full Moon. However, Hoi An is the only place to hold the festival for every Full Moon all year round, with many exciting activities that are for international travelers. 

It might be a bit tiring to get into the swing, but trust me, it’s totally worth it. The center of the town where the Japanese Bridge and An Hoi Bridge are located is the best spot to enjoy the vibe of the Hoi An Lantern Festival. 

Useful Tips 

  • Wear comfortable clothes because it might be freaking hot, and you have to walk a lot. 
  • Join Hoi An Lantern Festival during the dry season to revel in more activities and avoid getting wet. 
  • Stay until 9 PM when some shops are closed, and tourists start leaving. At that time, you find a quiet and peaceful Hoi An beautifully covered with moonlight blending in the lantern glow. 
  • Spend several days in Hoi An before and after the festival so you can enjoy most of the ancient town. 
  • Take a cyclo ride if you have the chance. 
  • Book Phoebe & Besties for your visit to Hoi An. Our local besties will show you the most charming part of Hoi An!

Visit Hoi An with Your Local Besties!

Don’t miss this if you’ve got itchy feet. Hoi An Ancient Town has attracted millions of travelers, from solo backpackers to couples and families.

Touched by the ancient vibe, you will be in love with Hoi An Lantern Festival at first sight. It is a unique and charming festival thanks to the location, history, cultural traits, and local stories.

What are you waiting for? Add this to your bucket list now 🙌

Frequently Asked Questions

Hoi An Lantern Festival celebrates the monthly Full Moon date to wish for good health, luck and success, and it has been one of the most famous festivals in Vietnam. 

It takes place on the 14th of the Lunar Calendar every month in Hoi An, a charming ancient town in Central Vietnam.

As Hoi An Lantern Festival is celebrated following the Lunar Calendar, which is based on the moon cycle, the day varies every month. 

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